I’ll Never Tell by Catherine McKenzie was our very first book for Quill Quotes Book Club! Find out more about our book club and see our discussions of I’ll Never Tell. I was super happy when Mystery/Thriller won our first genre vote for Book Club because it’s my favorite to read! I will admit I’ll Never Tell was my last pick out of our book selection vote. But it won and I am so glad it did. Overall I gave it 4 stars and the majority of our book club members enjoyed it too!

Book Stats
- Title: I’ll Never Tell
- Author: Catherine McKenzie
- Genre: Mystery, Thriller
- Publication Date: June 1, 2019
- Pages: 380
- Est. Reading Time: 10 hours
- My Rating: 4/5 Stars
- Kevin’s Rating: 4/5 Stars
- Buy Now: Amazon or BAM!
I’ll Never Tell Summary
The MacAllister siblings have to return to Camp Macaw, where they spent their summers as children, to read their parent’s will and decide what to do with the camp after the parent’s sudden deaths. Not everyone is on the same page with what to do with the camp though, including Sean, the groundskeeper.
To make matters worse the will states they must figure out what happened to Amanda Holmes. Over 20 years before Amanda was bludgeoned and any one of them could have done it. All of them hold a piece to the puzzle but they promised themselves they would never tell.
We broke the book down into 3 discussions. Kevin and I both stated our thoughts about the book and what we thought happened to Amanda. Then we had everyone vote what they thought. It was really interesting to see the results. The votes were spread out pretty well between Sean, the siblings, or an accident for both polls.
One thing that was unique to the book and everyone seemed to like was that there was a Timeline Table after each chapter about Amanda. So whatever the chapter discussed it would fill in when and where the people were at during that time.
The book was super fast paced and easy to read. I love books with short chapters that always seem to give you just a little bit more information to keep you wanting to read.
Favorite Quotes
Kevin LOVES quotes. He likes to highlight a ton of information. I enjoy seeing what he highlights and thinks is important. Here are a few of our favorite quotes.
“The person you were, the person you used to be, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was how others saw you.”
– Catherine McKenzie, I’ll Never Tell
Kill me dead, as Margaux and I used to say. Like there was another possible result of killing.
– Catherine McKenzie, I’ll Never Tell
We like to ask our book club if they have any favorite quotes and my mom and I kept coming up with the same quotes! I always knew we looked similar but I didn’t realize we thought similar too! I guess great minds just think alike.
Three simple words. Her family’s motto, I’ll never tell.
– Catherine McKenzie, I’ll Never Tell
Final Thoughts on I’ll Never Tell
Not everyone in the book club loved the book but I think the majority of people enjoyed it. It’s definitely not the best mystery book out there. A few of us were able to guess the ending. Like I said earlier it was a great book for our first book club, it was fast and easy to read, it got people into the discussions, and the mystery aspect kept you wanting to read!
Everyone is welcome if you are interested in joining our book club! We vote on the genre for the next month and Kevin and I pick some books in that genre for everyone to vote on. Check out our book club page!
Get I’ll Never tell by Catherine McKenzie on Amazon or BAM! If you decide to read it, be sure to check out our book club discussions and add your thoughts!
Great review, sounds like an interesting book!
Thank you!
Sounds like an interesting read. I really like the sound of the time line being filled out bit by bit. Great review!
I thought it was really unique and fun idea! Thanks!
Sounds like a good book even if some were able to guess at the ending.
♥ Mae
I wasn’t 100% sure. The author tried to make you second guess yourself.
The timeliine at the end of each is so unique! Especially if it’s a more complicated story.
It was pretty cool! Someone in the club listened to the audiobook instead of reading so they didn’t see the map or the timeline but they were still able to follow.
I love the idea of having a time-line, and I’m a huge fan of short chapters. It sounds like something I would enjoy reading. Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE short chapters! I read so much faster with short chapters. You should check it out!