Book Clubs are great for many reasons. They help you read consistently, read books out of your comfort zone, see different perspectives, and make friends in the process. But what if you don’t have access to a book club near you? Check out my top 10 reasons to join an online book club! Interested but not sure where to find an online book club? Check out the Quill Quotes Book Club!

Online Book Club Benefits
1. Never Have to Leave Your Home
This is a huge deal right now with Shelter in Place or Safer at Home in effect. With an online book club, you never have to leave the comfort of your home or meet people face to face. You don’t even have to put on pants if you don’t want to since all the discussions are online!.
2. Flexible Schedule
Life can get hectic and you may not always be able to keep up with the reading schedule or meet up on designated dates. But with an online book club, the posts will always be there so you can read and comment at your own pace.
3. Save Time
Online book clubs can save you a lot of time. You don’t have to take time to get dressed up and drive to meet somewhere. Also, you can chat for as long or as short as you want, even go back days later to comment more.
4. Save Money
Most book clubs meet somewhere for food and drinks. If discussions are online you won’t have to spend money on transportation or on expensive food, drinks, and tip.
5. Less Stress
Some book clubs rotate who hosts each month. Cleaning your place and getting it ready for guests can be a huge task. With an online book club, you never have to worry about hosting. You can sit in sweat pants with dirty dishes piled up high all around you without a care in the world while discussing.
6. Interact with More People
Most book clubs are small because it’s hard to get a lot of people with similar schedules or that many people in a room together to have a discussion. Anyone near and far is able to participate with an online book club. I live far from my family so I never would have been able to have a book club with them if it weren’t online.
7. Interact with Different People
With traditional book clubs, it is usually the same few people who meet every time. With an online book club, you could potentially get new people every time. New people bring in different opinions and new perspectives which makes for excellent discussions.
8. No Commitments
Most traditional book clubs expect you to make some kind of commitment whether it be to read the book each month or host at some point. With online book clubs, there is no obligation! You don’t even have to interact if you don’t want to. You can read the book, read the discussions, and then decide if you want to comment. I personally think it is more fun to join in the chat but I understand how online book clubs are perfect for shy or introverted people.
9. Deeper Understanding and Conversations
You get a much deeper understanding of the book if you are taking the time to write down your thoughts than if you are just rambling off the top of your head. You also never have to worry about being cut off, not getting to make your point, or someone monopolizing the entire conversation which could happen if you’re discussing face to face.
10. Fewer Distractions
Sometimes people forget they are there for a book club and want to gossip or talk about personal things. While being friendly and making friends is important for book clubs, it can be frustrating if you only discuss the book for 10 minutes out of the allotted hour. For online book clubs, the book is always the main focus.
Any perks that you think should be added to the list?
Of course, you still get all the amazing benefits of a normal book club too! You’re still part of a group, still get to read books, and still get to share your thoughts. It’s just in a much more informal and laid back format with all the benefits discussed above. What more could you ask for?!
If the idea of an online book club intrigues you, check out our Quill Quotes Book Club. Anyone and everyone are welcome! Let me know how you feel about online book clubs in the comments.

I’ve thought about joining a book club so many times but I’m so shy I’ve never been able to bring myself to actually go. And I also don’t want to spend money on a book I may or may not like if it’s not entirely up to me what the book is… I’m a little selfish that way…
I agree about not wanting to buy a book you’re not interested in. That’s why for our book club we have a genre vote and a book vote. So you somewhat get a say in what is being read and hopefully enjoy it.
I love being a part of online book clubs! It is so much fun and a way to make some great friends 🙂
Me too! I am sad it took me so long to find one and to start one!
Online book clubs are so much fun! I tried a few local book clubs near me, but they never really worked out because they didn’t chose books I wanted to read, and the people there weren’t very nice or cooperative. I am apart of Roxie Reads Book Club on Patreon, and it’s so much fun there. Rox is an amazing host, and the books there we’ve chosen are really good.
I’m sorry your local book clubs didn’t work out but I’m glad you are loving your online book club! I’m also part of the Whole Latte Books Book Club. That book club’s discussions are done in chat on discord. Its fun to talk even when we aren’t discussing books. How does the discussion work for the Roxie Reads Book Club?