Quill Quotes was nominated on twitter by @bookishtunes for the Book Blogger Recognition Award! Which is a fun way to give recognition to the blogs you like, interact with the blogging community, and make friends in the process.

A huge thank you to Chelsea, BooksTune, for nominating our blog! It feels great to know other people besides our parents enjoy Quill Quotes and to be recognized for all of our hard work. Please help us thank Chelsea by visiting her blog. She also puts in a lot of hard work and has one of the cutest logos I have seen. Check it out!
About the Blogger Recognition Award
The Blogger Recognition Award helps give others the recognition their work deserves and aims to help fellow bloggers promote their work! The award is given to bloggers by bloggers and is a great way of helping each other out.
Rules to follow:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
- Write a blog post on your site displaying the award and describe why you started your blog.
- Write two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
- Nominate and notify 15 more bloggers.
Why We Started a Blog
We’ve always loved books but often failed to read consistently and discuss the stories as much as we would like in our daily lives. That’s when we started Quill Quotes, as a fun way to get us to read more and delve deeper into the stories while sharing with other people, which is half the fun. The Quill Quotes blog is an ongoing collection of our favorite quotes, books, and reading guides. We hope our blog is inspiring people to read more and enjoy learning. To learn more check out our About Us page.
Advice for New Bloggers
Brooke’s Advice
1I am a very shy and reserved person so one of the hardest parts for me was/is social media. My advice is to jump in! Giving likes is great but commenting and interacting is even better. Don’t be afraid, most people are really nice. As long as you’re being true to yourself and giving genuine comments, you’ll make friends fast. Blogging friends make the experience even more enjoyable.
2Be organized and prepared to work A LOT. My husband and I work together to share the load and it still seems like we are always working. We are always either reading, writing, researching, designing images, interacting with other blogs, or looking for more ways to improve Quill Quotes. But if you love what you are writing then all of that work is worth it. It may seem stressful now but it’s fun to look back at all the progress made!
Kevin’s Advice
1Have fun! Blogging can be a lot of work, but it’s ultimately about enjoyment. If you’ve picked the right topic, your blog will help motivate you to do more of what you love! Even if your blog is in business to make money, you need to have fun to stick with it and be successful. When your enthusiasm for the topic is clear, your readers will pick up on it and enjoy reading all the more.
2Don’t get discouraged by your traffic and statistics. We are still pretty new to blogging ourselves, and I was surprised to have over 150 users in our first week. However, after the initial excitement, our traffic fell off and has only started increasing again recently. I had hoped to track consistent increases and was initially discouraged by the dropoff, but now realize short-term tracking is subject to many factors outside your control. If you stick with it and are enthusiastic about your topic(s), I’m confident your traffic will grow over the long-term!
Thank you so much for the nomination!! 💜 Your blog has been such an inspiration as I start my blogging journey!
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy our blog! It was a huge confidence booster to be nominated. I hope you feel the same way and pass it on to your favorite blogs.
Thank you so much for tagging me! This is awesome! I’m actually kind of not a newbie? I’ve been blogging since 2014. I took a hiatus and when I came back, I realized I wanted a fresh start with a new blog/name so I did 😊 I agree that commenting is key! And traffic will always be great at the very beginning then fall then go back up. Thankfully, I have a consistent flow of people who comment so that’s always good 🙂
Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
Oh, awesome! Gald you are back and blogging again! I love your blog photos!