Here, you’ll find any articles we write that don’t fit cleanly in another category. Having a miscellaneous section lets us share our thoughts on anything we feel inspired to write about!

Recent Posts in Miscellaneous

2022 Reading Recap and Goals
How has another year gone by already?!? I definitely didn't get to read or blog as much as I wanted this year either. I managed to meet my reading goal by reading more short stories this year than any other year. Let's take a closer look at my 2022 reading ...

2021 Blog Recap and 2022 Goals
Wow, I can't believe it is 2022 already! Last year was another wild year for us! Kevin and I ended up on an unintentional blogging/reading hiatus from September to December. While I was able to sneak in my reading goals right at the end of the year, I wasn't able ...

2020 Year in Review
This has definitely been a year like no other. Brooke and I were both fortunate enough to be able to keep working throughout the pandemic but this year is still probably the most I've been able to read since middle school! I wasn't quite as successful on my blogging goals ...

2020 Blog Recap and 2021 Goals
Well, it has been quite a strange year, to say the least. My 2020 turned out not even close to how I had imagined. I was only able to meet some of my reading and blogging goals for 2020 but I'm still happy with how things turned out. It's still ...

Do Book Translators Deserve More Credit?
I have been wanting to write an article about book translators for awhile. I recently read a few translated books and I feel the translator plays a much bigger role in the book; more than most people realize. Book translators aren't a big topic I see much about in the ...

One Year Blogging Anniversary
We celebrated our ONE YEAR BLOGGING ANNIVERSARY! We started playing around with the idea for a book blog back in January 2019. Once we decided to go for it we started doing research and gathering the necessities to make it happen. We finally went live with our first post and ...

Mystery Blogger Award
We were recently nominated by two people for the Mystery Blogger Award. We will combine the questions and Kevin and I will answer both. Thank you, Mae and Sarah, for nominating us! The Mystery Blogger Award is a tag created by Okoto Enigma to find and promote bloggers who “haven’t been discovered ...

2019 Year in Review
My wife, Brooke, decided to write a 2019 recap after seeing her Year in Books on Goodreads. I liked how hers turned out (read it here) as a review of our first year blogging. So, I decided to write one of my own! At the beginning of the year, I ...

2019 Blog Recap and Goals for 2020: A Year of Firsts
It was about a year ago when Kevin suggested we start a book blog. I was hesitant at first because I am self-conscious about my writing. I have always been a bad speller and not very good at punctuation. After some convincing (he said it would be a fun hobby ...