Welcome to the Quill Quotes Book Club! Here you’ll find an online book club open to anyone and everyone! Joining is easy, just subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media to stay informed. Start reading with us today!

How the Quill Quotes Book Club Works
We hold votes to pick a genre and then a specific book for the next book club read. Once selected, we put together a page with info on the book, some options for where to get it, and a reading schedule. Then, you read along with us and after each scheduled section we’ll post our thoughts, some prompts, and hold a discussion right here on the blog! Each discussion section remains open indefinitely, so don’t worry about falling behind schedule.
Quill Quotes Book Club: Currently Reading
Vote for our Next Read
You’ll see our most recent genre or book selection vote below. Be sure to vote while the poll is open and then check back for results!
Don’t miss out: Be sure to follow Quill Quotes today to receive updates on recent posts and future Quill Quotes Book Club discussions and votes!
Quill Quotes Book Club Rules
Please be respectful and courteous to others. It’s ok if you don’t like a book or have a different point of view, in fact, that’s often what makes the discussion interesting, but please share constructively and avoid personal attacks.
During discussions, please refrain from posting spoilers or answering foreshadowing questions if you’ve read ahead. Save your thoughts on the ending for the final discussion so we can all enjoy it together!
For further details, please see our Terms of Use.
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Book Club Archive
Missed reading a book with us? No worries. You can still find it here and review each discussion as you read at your own pace!
“Books are something social – a writer speaking to a reader – so I think making the reading of a book the center of a social event, the meeting of a book club, is a brilliant idea.”
– Yann Martel