Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club’s final discussion for A Fall of Moondust! We hope you enjoyed the book. Note, this discussion covers the full book and will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t finished reading yet you may want to go back to A Fall of Moondust Book Club Summary Page for the first discussion.
Brooke’s Thoughts
I thought the end was pretty exciting and there were some thrilling parts throughout the book. I really liked getting to know the passengers and wished there was more of that. Overall, I give the book 3.5 stars. I think if it was modernized or made into a movie I would like it more.
Favorite Quote
“The watch had not stopped; it was merely that Time, as usual, was not going at the speed he wished.”
– Arthur C. Clarke, A Fall of Moondust
Kevin’s Thoughts
This was a fun, entertaining story but lacked a lot of the depth I’ve come to appreciate from Arthur C. Clarke’s work. The passengers were fun to learn about and I liked the sensationalism of the news story aspect but overall there were fewer big picture impacts on humanity than I would have preferred. I agree with Brooke that a movie adaptation could be cool! However, in today’s media, I think at least a few passengers would have to die to raise the stakes and drama. I know I wasn’t expecting everyone to make it out and, although there was the one setback with them sinking again, the rescue seemed easier than I’d thought it would. I gave the book 4 stars but am probably more around 3.5.
Favorite Quote
“He had sometimes wondered if the real reason why men sought danger was that only thus could they find the companionship and solidarity which they unconsciously craved.”
– Arthur C. Clarke, A Fall of Moondust
A Fall of Moondust Final Discussion Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Who was your favorite passenger?
- Did you think they would make it out in time? Were you expecting all the passengers to make it?
- Do you think the book would make a good movie?
- Share a favorite quote!
We can’t wait to hear from you in the comments! Be aware, some comments may be held for our review to reduce spam and won’t appear on the site right away, but we’ll do our best to review quickly. If you have any trouble commenting, please let us know on social media or via email to hello@quillquotes.com so we can try to help.
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We hope you enjoy this discussion and join us again next month!
Sheila Cochran says
I was disappointed when all the passengers were put to sleep. My favorite parts were getting to know passengers. I also felt it was to easy getting them out, I thought would be more conflict on deciding what to do and some passengers wouldn’t make it out alive. I liked the same quote as Brooke sometimes time does stand still and usually in moments you need it to speed up. I was trying to imagine this book a movie and was thinking a lot would be changed to fit into our version of the future, but would be very good science fiction thriller. I gave it 3 stars, I’m not sure what else it needed but felt maybe to predictable.
Brooke Carrington says
We always like the same quotes!
I’m not sure what it was missing either. There were some parts that made me laugh though like the refusal to use the metric system. While the US still uses the imperial system, almost everyone else (especially science-related fields) uses the metric system.