Welcome to the 13th edition of Quill Quotes Book Club! American Predator by Maureen Callahan is our book of the month for May. Since Mother’s Day and my Mom’s birthday are coming up, I thought we should go with her genre suggestion…TRUE CRIME!
Kevin is not a true crime fan and will be sitting this one out but I hope the rest of you enjoy reading with me! Keep reading for all the details on the book, where to get it, and our reading schedule. This page will be updated with links to each discussion so keep it handy as a reference. I can’t wait for our first discussion on Saturday, May 15th, 2021!

Book Stats
- Title: American Predator: The Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century
- Author: Maureen Callahan
- Genre: True Crime
- Publication Date: July 2nd, 2019
- Pages: 299
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 hours
Quick Summary
- Get the Book: Amazon
- Discussion #1: Part 1-2 May 15th, 2021
- Final Discussion: Full Book, May 29th, 2021
Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy. Jeffrey Dahmer. The names of notorious serial killers are usually well-known; they echo in the news and in public consciousness. But most people have never heard of Israel Keyes, one of the most ambitious and terrifying serial killers in modern history. The FBI considered his behavior unprecedented. Described by a prosecutor as “a force of pure evil,” Keyes was a predator who struck all over the United States. He buried “kill kits”–cash, weapons, and body-disposal tools–in remote locations across the country.
Over the course of fourteen years, Keyes would fly to a city, rent a car, and drive thousands of miles in order to use his kits. He would break into a stranger’s house, abduct his victims in broad daylight, and kill and dispose of them in mere hours. And then he would return home to Alaska, resuming life as a quiet, reliable construction worker devoted to his only daughter.
When journalist Maureen Callahan first heard about Israel Keyes in 2012, she was captivated by how a killer of this magnitude could go undetected by law enforcement for over a decade. And so began a project that consumed her for the next several years–uncovering the true story behind how the FBI ultimately caught Israel Keyes, and trying to understand what it means for a killer like Keyes to exist. A killer who left a path of monstrous, randomly committed crimes in his wake–many of which remain unsolved to this day.
American Predator is the ambitious culmination of years of interviews with key figures in law enforcement and in Keyes’s life, and research uncovered from classified FBI files. Callahan takes us on a journey into the chilling, nightmarish mind of a relentless killer, and to the limitations of traditional law enforcement.
Where to get the book?
Whether you prefer digital or physical books, we’ve listed several options below.
If you have a Kindle or like audiobooks, Amazon is probably already your go-to for book purchases. They offer a variety of purchase options.
OverDrive / Libby
Check your local library, they often allow digital rentals through OverDrive and the Libby app! You’ll just need your library card to log in.
Local Bookstore
Amazon is still a good option to get the paperback or hardcover, but sometimes delivery can be a pain. If physical books are your thing, please try to support your local bookstore or library!
Reading Schedule
We’ve decided to split the book in half and hold two discussions. Discussions take place right here on the blog! Feel free to read at your own pace, but please avoid posting spoilers if you read ahead. Also, if you’re behind schedule and concerned about spoilers, you may want to wait until you’re caught up to join the discussion.
Discussion 1: Part 1-2, Saturday, May 15th, 2021
We’ll post our thoughts and some questions on this section on the morning of May 15th to kick-off discussion! Can’t wait!
Final Discussion: Full Book: Saturday, May 29th, 2021
We’ll complete the book and begin the final discussion on May 29th!
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on American Predator! Let’s get reading!

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