Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club, Dark Matter Discussion #1! We hope you are enjoying Dark Matter by Blake Crouch so far. Please keep in mind this discussion is only for the first half of the book (Chapters 1-9). If you have read ahead or finished the book, please keep any spoilers or thoughts on later parts for the next discussion. See the Dark Matter Book Club Summary Page for the reading schedule details and other discussions.

Brooke’s Thoughts
I’m really liking the book so far! It’s much more mystery/thriller than sci-fi than I was expecting. I’m enjoying the sci-fi part too though. I was worried about picking a good sci-fi for this month because sometimes the science parts in sci-fi books can be a let-down. Especially if they aren’t explained well, go too in-depth and over my head, or the author uses too much fantasy to explain the science parts. My multiverse knowledge is pretty limited but this book makes me want to learn more and discuss what alternate lives I could have!
Favorite Quote
“No one tells you it’s all about to change, to be taken away. There’s no proximity alert, no indication that you’re standing on the precipice. And maybe that’s what makes tragedy so tragic. Not just what happens, but how it happens: a sucker punch that comes at you out of nowhere, when you’re least expecting it. No time to flinch or brace.”
– Blake Crouch, Dark Matter
Kevin’s Thoughts
I wasn’t sure I’d like this book at first but now I can’t wait to read the second half! It’s not the typical sci-fi I usually read and I agree with Brooke that it’s more of a mystery/thriller. The quantum physics and multiverse part is pretty interesting though. I wonder how many worlds Jason’s alternate self had to visit to find one he wanted and how much of the 14 months he actually spent spying on Jason and learning to take over his life. It also seems like he regretted the decision to focus on his research and leave Daniela, so it’d be interesting to find out how long his research at Velocity Labs was focused on the multiverse for science vs. him wanting a way to go back for the “path not taken”.
Favorite Quote
“We head down the corridor, and the truth is I’m hesitant to make a choice. If there is an endless possibility of doors, then from a statistical perspective, the choice itself means everything and nothing. Every choice is right. Every choice is wrong.”
– Blake Crouch, Dark Matter
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Dark Matter Discussion #1 Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Do you think Jason will be able to return to his world and reunite with his wife?
- How would you react if you noticed a lot of little differences in your significant other in a short amount of time?
- Do you believe in the multiverse? What kind of world would you want to live in?
- Were you surprised Daniela Vargas was killed?
- Do you think the book is more mystery/thriller or sci-fi?
- Share a favorite quote!
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I like Jason’s mantra. I am not allowed to think I am crazy. I am only allowed to solve the problem. P.79.
I also really like this quote! If you keep thinking your crazy you will never get anything done.
Why Jason? I wonder if Ryan holder was a true friend. He may have instigated all this. Could there be a multiverse. Having two Jasons living at the same time would be really strange. The drive to get your life back would be overwhelming. Jason would be feeling that. He and Daniela had a true love and a son and he wants it back. Can’t wait to find out if he comes out the winner. After all he has been through he certainly deserves it.
It is interesting that Ryan and Jason basically switched roles in the universes. I didn’t think Ryan had anything to do with it but maybe? I thought he was there more to show the different types of relationships in his life and how they changed.
Jason has been through a lot. I also don’t know if my first instinct would have been to run as soon as I woke up. I probably would have told the truth and they probably would have put me back in the box anyway. Can’t wait to see what happens either!
I’m hoping Jason will get back to his wife, but I don’t know where that will leave Amanda. He will have to confront the other Jason and will he be strong enough. I hope they have enough drugs for both to get where they choose.
It would be strange if my husband acted differently and at our ages I might think it’s a stroke or something physical. I would ask him why he is different.
I believe there is so much we do not know. It is intriguing to think about. I would love to live in world that is peaceful and everyone looking out for each other and making life easier for all.
I was surprised she was killed. That is part of the book that’s confusing why did that happen. Maybe that is why the genius Jason switched lives with the married Jason.
This is a great book with it combining the mystery of parallel worlds.
My favorite quote
“If there are a million ponds out there with versions of you and me living similar and different lives, there’s none better than right here right now. I’m more sure of that than anything in the world.”
Blake Crouch Dark Matter
When I went back to find a quote this one seemed to sum up Jason’s life trying to get back to wife and son. It also made me think maybe he was back to his life taking his wife and son to ball game and going out to dinner with wife. Or is it other Jason who took his life wanting the family life. Looking forward to reading the rest of book so hopefully it will all make sense.
I think Jason will find his universe but I’m not sure if he’ll fight with the other Jason for his old life. Maybe he will but if Amanda’s really helping him and doesn’t have some other motive I hope she gets a happy ending too. It would be strange having your spouse start acting differently all of a sudden. In their case, I wonder if the real Jason will get back soon or if the honeymoon period will run out first and we’ll see how Daniela and the other Jason confront the differences.
I knew Jason wouldn’t be able to stay with the other Daniela forever (since the story has to move forward) but I was surprised she was killed so suddenly. I’m sure there would be a lot of money to be made somehow with the multiverse technology but it’s not immediately clear why Leighton is so ruthless in pursuit of it but unwilling to try the technology himself or send more than the 3 people already lost.
I also liked that quote and highlighted it! I interpreted it more as the other Jason and why he was so driven to invent the technology and find a new universe where he could be with Daniela and not have chosen his research over his son rather than the main Jason having found his way back.
I also hope Jason gets back to Daniela and his son. When Jason first met Amanda she seemed upset that he didn’t recognize/remember her, leading me to believe they were a couple at some point or she really liked him.
I also have no idea how you explain to your wife that that’s not your Jason even with her noticing all the little differences.
I agree I would probably think brain tumor, stroke, or cancer but I wouldn’t know how to bring it up without some definitive proof of really being different.
I would like to live in a world like that too. So interesting to think about. I would love to look into these other worlds and see how different they are.
I was surprised they killed her right away too. I thought they would bring her back to the lab and use her as leverage. Then I wondered if Jason and this Daniela would fall in love if he couldn’t get back to this world. But that theory is out the window now. I’m excited to read the rest of the book and find out more!