Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club’s discussion of Falling Bodies by Rebecca Roanhorse! We hope you enjoyed the book. Note, that this discussion covers the full book and will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t finished reading yet you may want to go back to The Far Reaches Collection Summary Page for the other book discussions.

Brooke’s Discussion on Falling Bodies
I liked this one, probably my favorite so far. It gripped me right away and I wanted to know what Ira had done that was so bad. I liked that it was the opposite; the aliens were the conquerors, not humans. I wasn’t too surprised that the girl he met was part of a resistance group. It also wasn’t too shocking that he decided to shoot himself at the end. Overall, I gave this 4 stars.
Favorite Quote
“Nobody can conquer you unless you let them. The real destruction happens inside you. As long as you’re fighting, you’re free.”
– Rebecca Roanhorse, Falling Bodies
Kevin’s Thoughts
I really enjoyed Falling Bodies as a fast-paced story that hooked me right away. There was a lot to think about and read between the lines on the Genteel being alien conquerors of humanity. I gave the book 5 stars at first but thinking back on it later there wasn’t anything too shocking so I might revise that to 4 stars. This is still my favorite of the collection so far though!
“That’s the thing about space. Time and distance are nothing like they seem. A body’s always farther away than you realize, always moving faster than you think. Out here, everything is an illusion.”
– Rebecca Roanhorse, Falling Bodies
Falling Bodies Discussion Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Were you surprised by the ending?
- Did you read or listen to the book? Did you like the narrator?
- Would you feel differently if the roles were reversed, with a human “adopting” an alien?
- Share a favorite quote!
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We hope you enjoy this discussion and join us again next week!

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