The first Quill Quotes Book Club read is underway! I’ll Never Tell by Catherine McKenzie was the clear winner of the book selection vote. Keep reading for all the details on the book, where to get it, and our reading schedule! We can’t wait for our first discussion on April 11, 2020!

Book Stats
- Title: I’ll Never Tell
- Author: Catherine McKenzie
- Genre: Mystery, Thriller
- Publication Date: June 1, 2019
- Pages: 380
- Est. Reading Time: 10 hours
Quick Summary
- Book Selection Results: I’ll Never Tell
- Get the Book: Amazon
- Discussion #1: Chapter 1 – 15, April 11, 2020
- Discussion #2: Chapter 16 – 30, April 18, 2020
- Final Discussion: Full Book, April 25, 2020
I’ll Never Tell: Summary
Deeply buried secrets make for a disturbing family reunion in bestselling author Catherine McKenzie’s tantalizing novel of psychological suspense, named one of the Hottest Books of Summer by Goodreads.
What happened to Amanda Holmes?
Twenty years ago, she was found bludgeoned in a rowboat at the MacAllister family’s Camp Macaw. No one was ever charged with the crime.
Now, after their parents’ sudden deaths, the MacAllister siblings return to camp to read the will and decide what to do with the prime real estate the camp occupies. Ryan needs to sell. Margaux hasn’t made up her mind. Mary believes in leaving well enough alone. Kate and Liddie—the twins—have opposing views. And Sean Booth, the groundskeeper, just hopes he still has a home when all is said and done.
But it’s more complicated than a simple vote. The will stipulates that until they unravel the mystery of what happened to Amanda, they can’t settle the estate. Any one of them could have done it, and each one is holding a piece of the puzzle. Will they work together to finally discover the truth, or will their secrets finally tear the family apart?
Where to get the book?
Unfortunately, with the Covid-19 outbreak, some options like your local library or bookstore might be closed. But on the bright side, once you get it, you’ll have plenty of time to stay home and read!
Amazon is likely the easiest source with both digital and physical options available. We’ll be reading the Kindle e-book version through Kindle Unlimited! If you haven’t tried Kindle Unlimited, now might be a perfect time for your free trial! The audiobook is also available on Kindle Unlimited and Audible. I’m not a huge fan of audiobooks, but Brooke loves them. Check out her Audible guide and consider signing up for two free audiobooks. If you prefer a physical book, be sure to check the delivery date with many orders being impacted by Covid-19.
- Kindle e-book (direct purchase or Kindle Unlimited)
- Audiobook (direct purchase or through both Kindle Unlimited and Audible)
- Paperback or Hardcover (be sure to check the delivery date)
OverDrive / Libby
While many libraries may be closed, they often allow digital rentals through OverDrive and the Libby app! You’ll just need your library card to log in. I’ll Never Tell wasn’t available at our library, but hopefully you’ll have better luck.
Reading Schedule
We’ve split the book into three sections and will hold a discussion after each one right here on the blog! We’re reading the book for the first time right alongside you, so hopefully the stopping points work out OK. Feel free to read at your own pace, but please avoid posting spoilers if you read ahead. Also, if you’re behind schedule and concerned about spoilers, you may want to wait until you’re caught up to join the discussion.
Discussion Section 1: Chapter 1 – 15: April 11, 2020
For the Kindle version, chapter 1 – 15 ends on page 114 (32%). We’ll post our thoughts and some questions on this section on the morning of April 11th to kick-off discussion! Can’t wait!
Discussion Section 2: Chapter 16 – 30: April 18, 2020
Chapter 30 ends on page 222 (62%) for Kindle. The discussion will begin on the morning of April 18th!
Discussion Section 3: Finish Book: April 25, 2020
We’ll complete the book and begin the final discussion on April 25th!
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on I’ll Never Tell by Catherine McKenzie. Let’s get reading!

Thank you. I will try amazon to get the book.
Thank you! Let us know if you have any trouble or need any help!