Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club’s discussion of The Far Reaches Collection! We hope you enjoyed the book. Note, that this discussion covers all 6 books and will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t finished reading yet you may want to go back to The Far Reaches Collection Summary Page for the other book discussions.

Brooke’s Thoughts on The Far Reaches Collection
Here are my rankings and stars given out of 5 from the least favorite to favorite book in The Far Reaches Collection:
6. Just Out of Jupiter’s Reach by Nnedi Okorafor- 2.5 stars
5. Void by Veronica Roth- 2.8 stars
4. How it Unfolds by James S. A. Corey- 3 stars
3. Falling Bodies by Rebecca Roanhorse- 4 stars
2. The Long Game by Ann Leckie- 4.3 stars
1. Slow Time Between the Stars by John Scalzi- 4.5 stars
Just Out of Jupiter’s Reach was my least favorite. I didn’t really get it and it felt more fantasy than science fiction. At least it left more of an impression on me than Void did, even if it was a bad impression. Void was so middle of the road and unrememberable. How It Unfolds was at least fast-paced but it jumped around a lot and the plot twist was very uninspiring. I enjoyed Falling Bodies, I liked that it was kind of reversed with the aliens as the conquerors. Then I really liked The Long Game and Slow Time Between the Stars. I thought both were very philosophical and made good points. Overall, I enjoyed reading this collection. They were all short quick reads so I didn’t feel like I wasted my time or anything.
Favorite Quote
“Nobody can conquer you unless you let them. The real destruction happens inside you. As long as you’re fighting, you’re free.”
– Ann Leckie, The Long Game
Kevin’s Rankings
6. The Long Game by Ann Leckie was my least favorite. I didn’t feel for the aliens or understand why humanity would keep them alive while they plot against us.
5. Void by Veronica Roth was an ok mystery but nothing special. Time dilation was a nice addition to the jilted lover story which kept this one out of last place.
4. How it Unfolds by James S. A. Corey had a cool concept with the slow light travel beaming copies around the universe. I liked that he matched with the same person eventually each time but didn’t need the twist that they were back on Earth.
3. Just Out of Jupiter’s Reach by Nnedi Okorafor was pretty similar to How it Unfolds for me. I give it the slight edge with the alone theme speaking to me more than the relationship pairings.
2. Falling Bodies by Rebecca Roanhorse was my second favorite. Somewhat predictable, but I still enjoyed the shakeup with aliens as the conquerors.
1. Slow Time Between the Stars by John Scalzi was my favorite by far. A lot of great themes with AI, space travel, and humanity’s legacy. We can only hope AI turns out this way maintaining the goal we set for it but taking new paths based on superior intelligence.
The Far Reaches Collection Discussion Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Which was your favorite and least favorite story? Why?
- Have you read any other books by these authors before? How did they compare? Would you read more by any of them?
- Did you read or listen to the books? Which do you prefer? Who was your favorite narrator? Did you have a least favorite?
- Share a favorite quote!
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