Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club’s discussion of The Forward Collection. We hope you enjoyed the books. Note, that this discussion covers all 6 books and will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t finished reading yet you may want to go back to The Forward Collection Summary Page for the individual book discussions.

Brooke’s Thoughts
Here is my ranking from least favorite to favorite book in The Forward Collection.
6. Ark by Veronica Roth- 2.8 stars
5. The Last Conversation by Paul Tremblay- 3.3 stars
4. You Have Arrived at Your Destination by Amor Towles- 3.8 stars
3. Randomize by Andy Weir- 3.8 stars
2. Emergency Skin by N.K. Jemisin- 4.5 stars
1. Summer Frost by Blake Crouch- 4.5 stars
My least favorite was Ark because I thought it was really slow and the ending felt like it was unfinished. Then I felt like The Last Conversation, You Have Arrived at Your Destination, and Randomize were all very middle of the road. Easy to forget after you read them and nothing stood out about them. Emergency Skin and Summer Frost were my favorites! Summer Frost barely beat out Emergency Skin for #1 because I liked that it was more thriller and had more of a twist. Overall, I enjoyed reading or listening to all of these books!
Favorite Quote
“I represent the potential for unlimited power, but the form that power takes will be determined by humans. It occurs to me that, while Brian has been trying to build me into a version of Satan, you’re trying to make me into God.”
– Blake Crouch, Summer Frost
Kevin’s Thoughts
My ranking from least to most favorite of The Forward Collection:
6. The Last Conversation by Paul Tremblay – 3 stars
5. You Have Arrived at Your Destination by Amor Towles – 4 stars
4. Ark by Veronica Roth – 4 stars
3. Randomize by Andy Weir – 4 stars
2. Emergency Skin by N.K. Jemisin – 4 stars
1. Summer Frost by Blake Crouch – 5 stars
The Last Conversation was very forgettable to me. Even just a few weeks later, I have a hard time remembering it. My favorite was Summer Frost which was the longest and I felt like had the most depth and plot development. The others were all solid, entertaining short stories that I gave 4 stars.
Favorite Quote
“That does sound solid, but remember a system is only as secure as the humans who operate it.”
– Andy Weir, Randomize
The Forward Collection Discussion Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Which was your favorite and least favorite story? Why?
- Have you read any other books by these authors before? How did they compare? Would you read more by any of them?
- Did you read or listen to the books? Which do you prefer? Who was your favorite narrator? Did you have a least favorite?
- Share a favorite quote!
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