Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club, The Guest List Discussion! We hope you enjoyed the book. Note, this discussion covers the full book and will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t finished yet you may want to go back to The Guest List Summary Page.

Brooke’s Thoughts
I was disappointed with this book. I felt like there was so much hype and it wasn’t anything special. I thought the beginning was slow-paced, I didn’t really like or relate to any of the characters, and I figured out the killer around the 60% mark. It was interesting trying to figure out who was murdered and who the murderer was though. One theme I thought Foley did well was showing how everyone just wants to fit in and be liked, no matter their age or situation. Overall, I gave it 3 stars.
Favorite Quote
“I do, sort of, see what he means. God, he’s always so reasonable—sometimes infuriatingly so, always taking the measured approach.”
– Lucy Foley, The Guest List
Kevin’s Thoughts
I agree with Brooke that the book started slow but once I got into it, I finished it in one sitting. I don’t read many mysteries but felt this one was different without knowing the victim right away. Even though it’s fun to figure out, the amount of inter-relations between characters is always a little unbelievable. I guess it makes sense that the wedding planner would lure them there and the sister sort of introduced them but Will causing Hannah’s sister’s death was a bit much. I also didn’t like that Johnno just went to jail and was ok with it and not much else was said about how the characters ended up. Still, I rated it 4 stars for hooking me in to finish it quickly!
Favorite Quote
“In my experience those who have the greatest respect for the rules also take the most enjoyment in breaking them.”
– Lucy Foley, The Guest List
The Guest List Discussion Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- Were you able to guess the murderer? Or who was murdered?
- Who was your favorite or least character?
- Did you feel bad for any of the characters? Did Will get what he deserved?
- Were you satisfied with the ending?
- Would you read another book by Lucy Foley?
- Share a favorite quote!
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We hope you enjoy this discussion and join us again next time!

I liked the book but I wish the questions at the end of the book gave the answers.