Welcome to the tenth edition of Quill Quotes Book Club! The Rabbit Girls by Anna Ellory is our book of the month! Historical Fiction won our genre vote and The Rabbit Girls narrowly beat out the other book choices. Keep reading for all the details on the book, where to get it, and our reading schedule! This page will be updated with links to each discussion so keep it handy as a reference. We can’t wait for our first discussion on Saturday, February 13th, 2021!

Book Stats
- Title: The Rabbit Girls
- Author: Anna Ellory
- Genre: Historical Fiction
- Publication Date: September 1st, 2019
- Pages: 396
- Est. Reading Time: 10-15 hours
Quick Summary
- Book Selection Results: The Rabbit Girls
- Get the Book: Amazon or BAM!
- Discussion #1: Chapter 1-19, February 13th, 2021
- Final Discussion: Full Book, February 27th, 2021
The Rabbit Girls: Summary
Berlin, 1989. As the wall between East and West falls, Miriam Winter cares for her dying father, Henryk. When he cries out for someone named Frieda – and Miriam discovers an Auschwitz tattoo hidden under his watch strap – Henryk’s secret history begins to unravel.
Searching for more clues of her father’s past, Miriam finds an inmate uniform from the Ravensbrück women’s camp concealed among her mother’s things. Within its seams are dozens of letters to Henryk written by Frieda. The letters reveal the disturbing truth about the ‘Rabbit Girls’, young women experimented on at the camp. And amid their tales of sacrifice and endurance, Miriam pieces together a love story that has been hidden away in Henryk’s heart for almost 50 years.
Inspired by these extraordinary women, Miriam strives to break through the walls she has built around herself. Because even in the darkest of times, hope can survive.
Where to get the book?
Whether you prefer digital or physical books, we’ve listed several options below.
Digital Copy
If you have a Kindle or like audiobooks, Amazon is probably already your go-to for book purchases. They offer a variety of purchase options.
OverDrive / Libby
Check your local library, they often allow digital rentals through OverDrive and the Libby app! You’ll just need your library card to log in.
Physical Book
Amazon is still a good option to get the paperback or hardcover, but if the delivery date is too far out, you may need to look for other options. Please try to support your local bookstore or library. If that’s not an option, more book-focused online stores like BAM! or Barnes & Noble can probably deliver.
Reading Schedule
We’ve decided to split the book in half and hold two discussions. Discussions take place right here on the blog! Feel free to read at your own pace, but please avoid posting spoilers if you read ahead. Also, if you’re behind schedule and concerned about spoilers, you may want to wait until you’re caught up to join the discussion.
Discussion 1: Chapters 1-19, Saturday, February 13, 2021
We’ll post our thoughts and some questions on this section on the morning of February 13th to kick-off discussion! Can’t wait!
Final Discussion: Full Book: Saturday, February 27, 2021
We’ll complete the book and begin the final discussion on February 27th!
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on The Rabbit Girls! Let’s get reading!

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