Welcome to Quill Quotes Book Club, The Rabbit Girls Discussion #1! We hope you are enjoying the book so far. Please keep in mind this discussion is only for the first half (Chapters 1-19). If you read ahead or finished the book, please keep any spoilers or thoughts on later parts for the next discussion. See The Rabbit Girls Book Club Summary Page for the reading schedule and other discussions.

Brooke’s Thoughts
I am on the fence with this book. I love that the chapters are short and it’s a very fast read! But I am unsure if I like the way the chapters jump back and forth between perspectives. Also, I have never been a fan of large age gap relationships or cheating storylines. I do want to know what happened to everyone after the war though!
Favorite Quote
“But life is not a love story, it is not a fairy tale. There are no happy endings.”
– Anna Ellory, The Rabbit Girls
Kevin’s Thoughts
I’m interested to find out what happened with Freida and how Miriam and Axel’s relationship ends up. However, I find the mix of 3rd person and 1st person perspective pretty disorienting at times. Something about the writing style with all the she and him usage makes it hard to follow and not in a way that adds to the mystery, at least for me. Like Brooke, I’m also not a huge fan of Henryk’s decision to cheat on his wife and put them all in danger, makes it hard to feel as sorry for them as we should. It’s interesting that the book title, The Rabbit Girls, seems pretty far removed from the main characters. Maybe Freida becomes one or it plays a larger role in the second half but right now it’s just a few side characters from Freida’s letters which seems odd.
Favorite Quote
“If they burn books, it’s not long before they burn people too.”
– Anna Ellory, The Rabbit Girls
The Rabbit Girls Discussion #1 Prompts/Questions
Feel free to comment whatever thoughts and questions you have! But if you aren’t sure where to start, consider some of the prompts/questions below:
- What do you think happened to Frieda?
- Do you like reading Miriam or Henryk’s chapters better?
- What do you think about Miriam’s husband?
- How do you feel about the author’s writing style?
- Share a favorite quote!
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We hope you enjoy this discussion and join us again in 2 weeks for the final discussion over the whole book! Check out The Rabbit Girls Book Club Summary Page for details.
I’m looking forward to finishing this book just to find out what happened to Frieda and the rabbit girls. I believe Eva is Frieda or related somehow but I’m m not sure if Eva is the right age to be Frieda. When Eva wanted to sew the dress back made me think she was in the same situation as the rabbit girls or at least has family member live through it.
I also hope Miriam gets help for herself but in some ways I think the letters will help her heal and put her abusive husband behind her. I’m hoping Eva can help her if she survived the Holocaust.
I picked the same quote as Kevin, but I also liked the last lines of chapter 19. ‘But as you well know, love is sometimes not what we once expected it to be.’
I didn’t even think that Eva could be Frieda. Those are interesting theories!
I thought maybe Emilia died and Frieda took her place and is actually Miriam’s mom at one point but I don’t think that quite fits.
I think the letters will help heal her as well.
You and Kevin always seem to like the same quotes! 🙂
I also think Eva might be Frieda but I hope not since it’d be too cliche for my taste. Her just being related or knowing Frieda somehow would be better. I do wonder if Frieda is still alive whether her dad would make a recovery or if she died whether he’ll be absolved of his guilt over her death somehow before he passes.
Miriam definitely needs some help. The letters seem to be giving her purpose to keep going but I wonder how she’ll prevent them from moving her father into hospice or what she’ll do once he’s gone.